
A Mystery

Life and DeathGlobal Beat

Life is a really mysterious thing; you never know how it comes or how it goes. It works in remarkable ways, but how you want to spend it is entirely your choice.

I remember going to a play with a few of my classmates when I was in fourth grade. All of us were giddy with excitement, waiting for it to start. When it started, each one of us was rapt and engrossed in it. But one part caught my attention, when one of the characters died. I started to think about what will happen to people once they die. Will they take the form of another human, will they be living in heaven or hell, will they be watching our every move from the skies, or will they be the voice in our head?

But the truth is you never know what will happen. And that’s life; it takes unexpected turns and you never know what's going to happen. So try to make the most of every day and be ready for whatever life throws at you.

Ayana Jhala is 10 years old and lives in Ahmedabad, India. She is passionate about reading and enjoys wave boarding and playing football. She aspires to be an author someday.

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn