
My Inspiration

Strength and InfluenceGlobal Beat

Nowadays a lot of people and things around us inspire teens in the modern world. Somebody is influenced by famous celebrities or an individual who he or she knows in person. Most teenagers make these people their idols and wish to follow them in everything. Assuming this, we can imagine how much strength and influence they have upon the youth.

Today, many dream of becoming an in-demand specialist in the IT sphere. However, most people doubt themselves and ask a question: Is this work worth the effort? As a result, only real leaders may reach their goal. So as for me, one of my friends, Nikita, inspired me to do my best and fulfil my dream. He told me that the IT sphere is always developing and you will never get bored with it. We both successfully attended some computer courses near my home. The more I got to know IT technologies, the bigger my interest grew. I think the following criteria are quite vital: safety, convenience, the difficulty of learning, cost, and profitability. There are some famous IT specialists who set a great example to abide by. Linus Torvalds is a Finish-American software engineer who is the creator and the principal developer of the Linux kernel and other operating systems such as Android and Chrome OS. He also created the distributed version control system Git and the scuba dive logging and planning software Subsurface. Another person who inspires me is Mark Zuckerberg. He started using computers and writing software in middle school, and his first teacher was his father. Zuckerberg`s hobby first brought him success in 2004 when Mark launched Facebook from his Harvard dormitory room. Now I like the fact that Zuckerberg’s net worth is $98.6 billion and he is listed by Forbes as the fourth richest person in the world. Mark is the only person under 50 in the Forbes 10 richest people list, and the only one under 40 in the Top 20 Billionaires list.

Modern teenagers are very lucky because there are a lot of wonderful IT specialists. Their life experience is a good example that shows how these people reached the top of their success despite obstacles. I hope the inspiration from Linus and Mark will help me to become as prosperous and in-demand as they are.

Nikita Zinoviev is ai eighth grade at the Logos School in Kiev, Ukraine. He is interested in the IT sphere and enjoys writing code on his computer. He is also interested in playing football, reading science books, playing computer games, and cooking.

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn