The Sweetest Thing in the World

Penneliah S. VictorJuly 17, 2024AI and the Future of Knowledge

My community encourages me to share knowledge.

My community’s name is Rock Hill Community, and I’ve learnt a lot growing up there. My community encourages me to seek knowledge by telling me to focus on my education, because it is key to success in my life. My community also makes me seek knowledge by not being a smoker, and also to not be influenced by friends. There are too many young people being carried away by drug addiction in my country. So, having my community as a support system, the elder residents serve as role models for us. My big sister always gives me books to read to help me build up my reading skills, and she also encourages me to seek knowledge. My community encourages me to seek knowledge by having a girl’s debate team. This team builds our self-confidence and public speaking skills.

My community makes me seek knowledge by being very straight with me as a girl child, before I am influenced by friends. My community makes me seek knowledge by telling me to be the smartest little girl who can be able to read in public. My community also teaches me how to answer questions directly. Our knowledge is expanded by knowledge-sharing opportunities like workshops and symposiums. My community opened a very big school where I do go to seek knowledge. My community makes me seek knowledge by telling me how education is the sweetest thing in this world.

Penneliah S. Victor is a 15-year-old from Liberia who is passionate about art.