A Battle with Cancer

Ariana BanosMay 7, 2024

A diagnosis that no one wants to hear
A word that fills our hearts with fear
Cancer, the enemy we must fight
With courage and strength, and all our might
The battle is long, and the struggle is real
But hope and love are what we feel
Every day we fight the fight
We move one step closer to the light
We'll face the chemo, the radiation too
And every side effect that we go through
But we'll never give up, we'll never give in
We'll fight with all we've got until we win
Cancer may be a fierce foe
But we're stronger than we know
And with the love of family and friends
We'll fight until the very end
So let us stand together, hand in hand
And face this battle, take a stand
For we are warriors, brave and true

Ariana Banos is a 12-year-old writer from California.