
Bedhia Nar

The Gir forest is home to Bedhia Nar,
And his story is quite bizarre.

There once was a lion pride,
The mama lion got electrocuted and died.

Left alone were Bedhia Nar, the papa lion, and his three little cubs.
The cubs where surely doomed, as everyone thought the papa lion would snub.

Papa lions are known to be lazy and lie under the shade.
They make their wives go hunting and bring them food like a maid.

But instead Bedhia Nar left his lazy days apart,
And showed his kind fatherly heart.

With his wife gone, his life had changed,
As the roles were exchanged.

He had to do real work,
And not be a lazy jerk.

So instead, he was a guide
And taught his kids how to hunt and hide.

Bedhia Nar is very protective
And this has made his life quite restrictive.

His three kids are now aged two,
And lions like Bedhia Nar are very few!

This is a lesson everyone should learn,
What one can lose, and another can earn . . .

Let’s say that Bedhia sets a standard for good parenting deeds,
And that we have learned a lesson indeed.

Aliya Shetty Oza is an 11-year-old studying at Ecole Mondiale World School in Mumbai, India. She is passionate about writing and dancing. More of her writing can be found at

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn