I Support Free Speech

AnonymousJune 13, 2022

I support free speech
I just don’t see it as a justification
to spit hate at Muslims
to come near their mosques holding signs
of misinformation

I support free speech
I just don’t understand
how it can only be used against Muslims

I support free speech
but why are second graders understanding respect
and kindness
more than you

I support free speech
I just wish you would use it to clear your misconceptions
and ask before you hate

You see,
anytime I watch the news
I’m battered by your racist views calling all Muslims terrorists
got no one but yourself to amuse
and it’s funny how most of it is fake
or staged
or flat out untrue
just looking for an excuse to exploit Muslim countries like you always do

You pride yourself on democracy
but look at your hypocrisy
your hands are covered in the blood of those you colonized
and the oh the audacity
to display the skulls of victims in places like Musee de l’Homme

You pride yourself on being righteous
but oh what serenity
beyond any Geneva Convention
you torture emotionally and physically over a war crime for one houryou commit war crimes for 20 years
over 3,000 of your people dead
but you kill one million and counting
a third of them civilians
who had nothing to do with anything
but of course
you make sure to dry your hands before any press conference
but of course
you wash the reputation of Muslims with the leftovers in your dirty sink
Is the water red because of them?
or is the water reflecting your actions?

I support free speech
but I’ll keep my mouth closed
Though I know that the truth can no longer stay disclosed
I’m not trying to justify the deaths of innocent civilians
I’m just sorry that you thought that I would carry every wrong
of two billion!