

No matter where you come or go,
Never, ever forget this,
If you have a kind heart,
You can make someone feel bliss!

Perform a simple act of kindness,
You can always lead the way,
Make kindness spread throughout the world,
Help grant someone a better day!

When I was small, my mom told me,
When you do a good deed, a bell from heaven rings,
When I asked her what she meant by that,
She said that an angel gets her wings!

An act of kindness is like
A rainbow appearing after a dull and rainy time,
A simple gesture is all you need,
And you will make the bells chime!

I for one truly believe
Kindness is a gift everyone can give,
It doesn’t matter how big or small the deed is,
With kindness around is the best way to live!

Everyone should have just one religion,
And that religion is kindness,
Saying kind words is not hard at all,
Anyone can do it, if they have open-mindedness!

In Mark Twain’s words, “Kindness is the language
which the deaf can hear and the blind can see,”
Showing respect, compassion, appreciation and kindness
Will impact the lives of you and me!

Aliya Shetty Oza is a 10-year-old studying at Ecole Mondiale World School in Mumbai, India. She is passionate about writing and dancing. More of her writing can be found at

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn