
AnonymousJune 14, 2022

Tears run down your cheeks
You wish your life was better
You sit alone when you eat
Because no one wants to be near you

Could it be your skin tone?
Your eye color?
The way you speak or dress?
How you long for a friend
One who will have your back
And give you comfort when no one else can

Other kids laugh
While you cry
You do everything alone
You hide your face when spoken to
So as not to be seen as a baby

Your clothes don’t compare to theirs
You sit on the floor
With no hope
But there is

Don’t be afraid
Because everyone faces this
You have friends all over the world
And all over the world,
Boys and girls are left out

So don’t hide your face
Don’t cry
Because you are not a baby
You're perfect just the way you are

Wait, no you’re not
Because no one is perfect

Talk to someone if you don’t feel right
Someone you love

Your clothes don’t compare to theirs
And that’s okay
Speak up
Show yourself
And show everyone how special you are

So any time you feel alone
You have friends around the world