Losing My Only Friend

Shaianne ChaoMay 31, 2024

In the depths of sorrow, my heart does ache,
my loyal companion, I must now forsake.
A dog so dear, with eyes so kind,
cancer took you, and left me behind.

You're very presence brought joy to my days,
with every wag of your tail, my worries would sway.
But now you're gone, and my heart feels the pain,
memories of you, forever will remain.

Through the laughter and the tears we shared,
you taught me love, and showed me you cared.
In your final moments, I held you tight,
whispering goodbye, as you took your last flight.

Oh, how I miss your paw prints on the floor,
and the warmth of your body, I'll feel no more.
But I know you're out there, somewhere above,
running free in a place filled with love.

Though cancer may have taken you away,
your spirit lives on, in my heart everyday.
I'll cherish the memories, forever they'll stay,
until we meet again, at the rainbow bridge, someday.

Shaianne Chao is an 11-year-old poet from California.