North End

Tatiana Rebecca ShrayerOctober 17, 2023

A cold sunny January day
in Boston MA.
I took the old train
with my father
all the way
to Haymarket Station.
A simple Italian meal
before the big Celtics game.

The old grumpy waiter and a booming TV.
A family bakery with limoncelli and cannoli.
And a packed train back to the suburbs.
Boston College students
exploring a new city
and older folks
visiting grandchildren for brunch.

Tatiana Rebecca Shrayer was born in Boston in 2007. She is a freshman at Brookline High School. Her poetry collection, "Searching for Bow and Arrows" (2020), won second prize in the 2019 Stone Soup book contest. Several of her poems and translations from Russian have appeared in literary magazines. She also plays the violin in the New England String Repertory Orchestra. Tatiana lives in Chestnut Hill and South Chatham, Massachusetts, with her parents, older sister, and Stella the silver poodle.