Reflections and Echoes

Aangi ShahDecember 31, 2024

Should my voice fail me,
My hands shall carry these words
Shaping once-blank canvases,
Silent screams they will record

Should my heart be too hoarse,
Soothing hymns shall heal,
Resonating with every heartbeat,
Every emotion they reveal

Should I drown in my sorrows,
Colors shall carry silently,
From centuries past or halfway across the world,
Voices singing the same melody

For it is only human,
To seek the comfort of kindred souls
For it is only human,
To pour our hearts out forevermore

Aangi Shah is an eighth grader currently studying at The Riverside School in Ahmedabad, India. Usually, you will find her diving into the pages of history while blasting Taylor Swift. Just sometimes, you might catch her with a pen in hand, weaving her own little fantasy world.