Single Use Plastic – A Curse

Karnav RastogiJune 13, 2023

Plastic bags, bottles or glass
Used by people of every class
Plastic stays and lasts forever
Decompose or degrade never
Contains chemicals bad for health
Causing ailments, rob your wealth
Animals eat as if their food
Affecting life of bird and brood
A large chunk of 90% portion
Plastic is found in sea and ocean
Pollution and problem are so Drastic
Call a ban on non-cyclable Plastic
Chemical leachates from plastic bags
Marine bacteria’s suicidal bags
Single use plastics in aquatic blue
Suffocate creatures and kills them too
Microplastic in ocean and sea
Now in human blood notably
Immersed in complete plastic pollution
Ban on plastic, the only solution
Use materials which degrade
which should slowly go and fade
Stop, think and take a pause
Urge everyone to support the cause
First know your carbon footprint
check the issues at every sprint
Be a leader, guide the world
let the thought of plastic swirl
Finally, be a champion of change
the three Rs should definitely reign
Be a single use plastic spurner
Proudly say I am a tide turner
Take a step extreme drastic
Say a big No to Single use Plastic

Karnav Rastogi is the youngest author and fiction writer of India. He published his first book, “Kartik & Mixie: A journey about Creation” at the age of eight and his second book, “Kartik & Mixie: A Journey about Jungle Adventure,” at the age of ten. He creates poems for every story he writes. His inspiration is nature and mother earth. He conducts a literature workshop series titled “Author in You: Magic with Words” for children of various age groups. So far he has conducted more than ten literature workshops in India. He also received the “Pride of Indian Education Award” in 2019. Besides writing, he plays chess and basketball. You can reach him at