Summer Sun

Oksana SheremetaJuly 4, 2023

Summer sun, oh how you shine
With warmth that feels so divine
Your light brings life to every tree
And fills the air with a buzzing bee

The days are long, the nights are short
And every moment is a delight of sort
A gentle breeze blows across the fields
And in the sky, the sun brightly yields

Beaches call out to all who seek
An escape from life's mundane routine
With sand between toes and waves that crest
The summer days are always the best

Fields of flowers bloom in every hue
Their petals soft, and colors true
And in the gardens, the bees abound
Collecting nectar with buzzing sound

The summer months bring endless fun
From barbecues to days in the sun
With friends and family, we all gather
To celebrate this season together

Oksana Sheremeta is a 13-year-old from Ukraine who lives with her father and her cat. In her free time she enjoys Korean music, learning new dances, and hanging out with friends.