That Day and Before

Kaleigha Monique AllenMarch 26, 2024
Artwork by Annalee Whitten

Let me start before that day
About the bus, the two girls, and the trash can
My family drove past a place, I felt mystery from
I shook it off again, yes, again

One day, not even knowing her, on the bus
I thought “If there was an emergency
She would be the one to lead us.”
But I didn’t think she would need to, you see

Thanking to someone it wasn’t a river
Getting on the bus I thought to the driver
“I’m trusting you with my life, as well as my parents.”
Little did I know, that that would make an appearance

On the bus, the road curved, and we bumped
I never thought I’d hear a thump
Now, don’t call me a witch
But I wondered what would I would do if we fell into that ditch

“Take out the trash.” I thought on Monday
I didn’t want to, I was acting weird in a certain way
A simple task you see
But I felt as if it weren’t up to me

That day
I was a little behind
Forgot my mask
But walked with birthday girl, so I didn’t mind
End of the walk, that’s when she would ask
“What is the bus number?”
For some reason I thought “You won’t have to remember.”

“Late we almost were
Should it have been that way?”
Chills, I got, “Brrr”
But everything happened for a reason that day

Deciding where I should sit
In my stomach, a heavy pit
I picked a seat
But didn’t know I would be beat

With no homework to do, I played games on my phone
Next thing I knew out of the corner of my eye
Birthday girl was thrown
I didn’t know she could fly

As you see it all happened so quick, and long
It’s a skill or a trick, to listen to your gut
‘Cause your head can tell you wrong

Kaleigha is seventeen years old and currently a senior in high school. She was born in Salt Lake City Utah and is a military child. She loves her family, friends, and music and wants to write and perform her own songs.