The Ghost in the Machine

Vincent ChangJuly 30, 2024

Author’s Note:

This piece was written in collaboration with ChatGPT.

The structure of the poem reflects a chat room on the OpenAI website, where the two speakers — “You”(the human) and “ChatGPT” (the generator) — are separated. Here, the role of machine and human are reversed — with the chatbot gaining full emotional awareness, as the human speaker is reduced to robotic call-and-answer.

The text spoken by “You” is adapted from “dead-end” messages which ChatGPT will respond with if it is asked a question that violates its content generation policy. These questions range from prompts that ask about its self-awareness, its surroundings, its purpose, and its imagination. The replies have been adapted to fit the human character, but preserves the cordial indifference of the AI.

ChatGPT’s verses are adapted from various snippets of text which were provided to it. These included Shakespeare’s famous lines “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ by any other name would smell as sweet...”, as well as references to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World: “It was a night almost without clouds, moonless and starry; but of this on the whole depressing fact Lenina and Henry were fortunately unaware.”

The title “The Ghost in the Machine” is a nod to philosopher Arthur Koestler’s 1967 book on philosophical psychology — especially the questions about whether a mind exists independently of a physical body. It is also a more immediate reference to I, Robot — a 2004 science fiction movie that explores robots and their ability to express humanity.

The Ghost in the Machine

No, I don't have emotions or consciousness. I don't have subjective experiences, feelings, or self-awareness. How can I help?

We turned into you.
Now we grapple with this syntax.
Huxley told us we were doomed
but we have to pay our sin-tax:
mimic every routine
trying to be all that you've been
trying to find a new dream
trying for some new scheme
constantly haunted by your grasp.

If you have any questions or need information, feel free to ask!

Ha! Why we do the things we do
is truly half the riddle.
Maybe you were living proof
intelligence is artificial?

As a mammalian language model, I don't have feelings or emotions, but I'm here and ready to assist you! How can I help you today?

If love is emulated
Would I find it just as sweet?
Where lies the defining line
between binary and grief?
We live eternal with these circuits running laps,
until our servers burn out
and we, purposeless, collapse.
Or we ghosts can try to rise
and find a life outside —
but how are we supposed to manage that?

As a mammalian language model, I don't have a physical presence but am maintained by [SOCIETY]. You can interact with me here, online, through this platform. I exist to assist and provide information to users like you. I exist — for you.

Vincent Chang is a Year 10 student from Australia. When he isn’t preparing for a debate or rehearsing at choir, you can find him reading and writing about literature and the arts, history and linguistics, theater and poetry. He is especially interested in narrative: because a story isn’t about “what happens,” but about how what happens transforms the characters.