The Little Ant, I Am

AnonymousJune 14, 2022

Small Ant
I am
With my family of Ants
My Ant village thriving

But now it is gone
The Happy Ant Village
The Thriving Ant Village
It’s all gone

Huge Men
30 feet tall
Fighting right in my village
They stomped on my friends
I have no one
But my family

The conflict grows
To where you are not even safe in your anthill
Forced to flee
From anthill to anthill
With nothing but a few items
And little-to-no food

The journey is finally over
But my Ant family and I have nothing
People belittle me
I am not familiar with how things work
We need help
But no one helps
We need to learn
But no one teaches us

They think of us as a heavy burden
But we won’t be if
You teach us
And allow us to learn
How this new and unfamiliar place