
The Monotony of White

Ever realized how tranquil
The color white is?

Here I am,
In middle of a
Four-walled chamber
Each painted paper white
Wearing a white garment,
I lie on the bed
Wrapped in a white bedsheet

Breaking the monotony
Stands the life support system
On my right

And on left
Is the MacBook Pro
I have always craved
But today, it makes me
Suffer from thanatophobia

It reminds me of
How my parents won’t
Let me play Fortnite
How I will never be able to
FaceTime my friends
How I won’t be able
To watch Netflix shows ever again

The thoughts shiver down my spine
With my heart in mouth
I turn around
And stare at the white wall

It reminds me of
Swimming in turquoise ocean
The way the sun shone
Off the rippling water
And its golden light warped
In the twisted glass waves

It reminds me of the
Cocktail blue sky turning into
Gravel gray when it was about to rain
The emerald green grass
I have walked upon

It reminds me of the
Rich hues of red blended
With orange, purple, and crimson
During sunset

As I reminisce about the stories
My heart finds peace

I gradually close my eyes
And my lifeless fingers lie
Motionless on the
Super white bedsheet.

Urishita Gupta is a 16-year-old who has a passion for poetry. Writing gives her immense pleasure. She believes that poetry helps her reflect her own experiences better than talking about them ever could.

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn

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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn