The Saddest Day

Yander VasquezMay 23, 2024

Today was the saddest day
My cousin's dog ran away,
He liked going on walks
While me and my cousin talk,
After he eats
I give him some dog treats,
But since he is gone
He is not there on the lawn,
My cousin's dog was like my best friend
When I played with him I didn't want the time to end,
I used to grab his toy and throw it to him
But he didn't fetch it because he ran into the pool to swim,
It's been a hard time without him
But a memory i'm going to keep is that he likes to swim,
He had his favorite plush toy
That plush toy gave him joy,
But since he is gone he left everything behind
But he will still be in my mind

Yander Vasquez is a 12-year-old poet from California.