Towering Tributes

Avishi GurnaniNovember 21, 2023
Avishi Gurnani, age 13, Singapore

Towering tributes,
traversing the tides,
Titanics taking-on,
the tenacious torrents
Toiling through,
the treacherous tormenting thunders
Tackling the traitorous tempests,
till tossed thumped thwacked.
Thoughtfully tempering,
the tattered traveler
Triumphing troubles though timorous,
through thrills thick-thin
Testimony to troubled tortuous tenuous times
Timeless tales the tranquil tower treasures.

Avishi Gurnani is a 13-year-old student at New Town Primary School in Singapore. She has published three books of her own, and is always poking around for new platforms to express her passion for writing.