
Start a Conversation

Like what you’re reading and want to go deeper? KidSpirit provides free discussion guides for each of its quarterly issues. Whether you are a teenager interested in engaging your friends about life’s big questions, a mentor or community worker hoping to spark youth-driven conversations, or a teacher integrating KidSpirit into your curriculum, we invite you to browse our Group Guides and start talking about topics that matter.

children in a classroom

Upcoming Themes

Our teen editors have selected the themes listed below for the next issues of KidSpirit. Please make sure your idea relates to one of them.

  • Dreams and Desires (Winter 2022/3)
  • Violence and Healing (Spring 2023)

What’s your idea?

In a few sentences, tell us which magazine department and issue you’re submitting to and what you’d like to write about.


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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn