
Iryna TsisarukOctober 20, 2022CitizenshipPoetry

Artwork by Arina Stetsiuk, age 13

Do you know that I got tired?
I got tired of myself and the war life . . .
Tired of not being needed . . .
I can’t live like this any more.
Hysterics and troubles all the time.
I got tired of enduring it all.
I just wish to stop it all.
I wish to stop the sufferings,
The cries at night,
The soul pain . . .
Forget everything or
Just continue living.
My heart is broken into pieces
I’m torn because of all this.
I can’t live like this any more.
I can’t stand it any more.
I don’t want anything except for the peaceful life.

Iryna Tsisaruk is 14 and lives with her parents and younger brother in Kremenets, Ukraine. She likes drawing and painting when she has free time. She enjoys writing poetry, too.