Life, Life, Life

Roberta OseiMay 29, 2024Crisis & ChangePoetry

Artwork by Rania Sikander

Life, life, life
A word full of mystery
Bringing lots of unanswered questions to mind
Makes the word one of a kind
What is life?
Life is what you make it
It is in your own hands
You get just a chance
Cause you only live once
Life is a journey
A journey full of highs and lows
In some situations, your tears will flow
Some instances, you experience joy overflow
A cocktail of emotions
That is life’s greatest petition
Until reality hits you, try pleasing no one
Life, life, life
Oh of course, it gives you a test and teaches you numerous lessons
Life is unexpected, confusing, heartbreaking
It comes down to what you make out of it
Life is a mysterious story
As your own author, write to your glory

Roberta Osei is a high school student from Ghana.