Drawings, doodles, thoughts, caboodles,
Let my hand and pen run astray,
Let the giants fly, and the flower die
And your soul wither and decay.
Let a light of happiness
Pierce the dark
And the bunnies happily hop and play,
Ink and paper, run amok,
Don't wear a smock,
Let the stains wash your sins away.
For the kingdom of my mind,
Well, within? All I can say it is a
Neverending din.
Trumpets of philosophy, oboes of song and poem,
And for drawing and writing, I think I'll pick trombone.
Let my orchestral head blair a cacophony
Very strange and crazy with many things to fear
Yet a chest of gold lies within,
everything more clear.
At the time of writing this poem, Elijah Olson (Eli) lives in Yarmouth, Maine. He is in seventh grade and goes to Frank H. Harrison Middle School. He enjoys reading, participating in school plays, petting his rather large dog, and going outside during rainy, windy, stormy weather.