Priceless Education
A path to success, to glorious new dreams,
At young a age, scary is what it seems,
Yet it’s interesting enough to make you beam,
A promise to enhance your self-esteem,
To show what it feels like to open the learning stream,
It’s sure to make you shine and gleam,
To take you into the depths of your mind,
Answers inside yourself is what you’ll find,
To give you the ability to unwrap your tide of questions,
To give you your right to expression,
Allowing you to step in someone else’s shoe,
When you can share your opinion, your point of view,
When you can stand on your legs with professionalism in your hand,
Whatever your dream is — dancing, cooking, or a music band,
A great opportunity, an incredible chance,
To excite you at the very first glance,
It will make you want more and more,
Don’t worry — there is always some left in store,
Sure to make you a good citizen,
Along with a wave of fabulous fun,
When you grow up to be successful,
Two words will still have space in your mind,
“Priceless education”
Aayreen Baagwala is a 12-year-old seventh grader at The Riverside School in India. She is an avid reader and plays basketball. She often expresses her understanding of the world around her through sketching and painting.