My Family

Patryk KarpowiczJanuary 27, 2022LovePoetry

My family is a great treasure,
My family is God's gift.
Joy, laughter, there are also tears.
Sorrows fade away quickly,
We do not remember it for long.

I learned love at home —
from mum, dad, relatives, friends.
I love family and home because they are important;
what one lives: customs, holidays, conversations —
constant dialogue showing values.

My family and I,
we often go to the cinema.
We laugh and dance,
Bored never even gets a look in.
When the heat is on
in summer we go to the seaside.
We always stick together,
we support each other in difficult moments.

Family will always help
For better and for worse.
I can count on them always
And neither will I let them down.

My family seems normal,
it is unusual and unique.
I love them very much despite numerous flaws,
Because family is my only world.

Patryk Karpowicz is a Year 11 student at St John Bosco College in London, UK. He enjoys swimming, table tennis, board games, documentaries, and game shows.