No Limit

Rand Ang Siong LinMarch 2, 2017Mysteries of the UniversePoetry

Born too late to explore the earth,
Born too early to explore our universes,
Questions, answers, and much more,
Compiled into these things called verses.

The earth went from being flat,
To a spherical object that was round,
The mystical force that kept buildings below,
Gravity kept us all on the ground.

It all feels like the limit until there’s more,
For we only know what we know,
So why not let ourselves open our minds,
And let the universe give us its things to show.

“We couldn’t reach beyond the shores,”
“We couldn’t reach beyond the skies,”
“We couldn’t reach beyond the stars,”
And yet somehow humanity tries and tries.

In the end no matter how much we know,
There is no limit; no end; no ceiling,
There is always more to know,
For the universe has much more meaning.

Rand Ang is a 14-year-old literature student from Singapore. Rand's hobbies are digital art and debating, aside from gaming, of course.