The Adventurous Spirit Group Guide
Volume XI, Number I
What drives us to explore the unknown? How do new or challenging experiences transform our lives? Where is the border between comfort and adventure, and what happens when we cross it? Join young writers and artists on an expedition to understand the human impulse to break new ground. Enjoy their writing, artwork, and poetry, then journey into your own thoughts and experiences to examine the role of adventure in your life.
1. Each issue of KidSpirit revolves around a Big Question, and this quarter the editors ask, "What Are We Searching for When We Explore the Unknown?" In her response, contributor Ameena Naqvi explains how she developed a fascination with adventure and discovery when she learned about the innovators of aviation. Pick a particular explorer, scientist, or innovator that inspires you. Think about a lesson you learned from their life and want to apply to your own. Was there a time you acted like they would have, or a specific way you hope to act like them in the future?
2. In his Feature article, "Pushing the Reset Button," KidSpirit editor Samarth Jajoo discusses how trying something new changes his perspective on not only the world, but also himself. Samarth embraces a “growth mindset” by challenging himself to take up different projects and interests—he emphasizes that even failure in one of these new things still helps him change for the better. Think about a time you tried something new or left your comfort zone. How did it change you and what did you learn? Are there other ways you can apply a “growth mindset” to your life?
3. In the Awesome Moments department, Fizza Raza argues that “get out of your comfort zone” is not just a piece of generic advice. Her article, "A Not-So-Comfortable Comfort Zone," takes us on her journey to a new country, where she knows no one, for an academic summer camp. Think about a time when you were anxious or nervous. Try to pinpoint exactly why you were uncomfortable. Ask yourself if the other people around you may have felt the same way. Do you think your reaction is understandable under the circumstances? Does this reflection change how you view yourself or that experience?
4. In her PerSpectives article, “Inner Gold,” Paralympic champion, author, activist, and coach Karen Darke shares the philosophy that has carried her through an adventure-packed, meaningful life, despite an accident that paralyzed her at the young age of 21. She ends with her three most important pieces of advice:
- “You can control your mind.”
- “Tell your mind exactly what you want.”
- “Make self-belief so normal that everyone else believes in you too.”
Think of three ways you can apply Karen’s advice in your own life. Are there any ways that you might be able to seize life and opportunity more?