Cry of a Girl Child

Tanmaya MurthyDecember 16, 2016The Soul of GenderPoetry

Pessimism lays its icy hands upon me,
But I can resist the intense chill.
Caged like a bird, craving to be set free,
There is an iridescent ray of hope still.

Thorns of fear prick my soul to the core,
But I am determined to surpass the obstacle.
Defeats lessen my faith all the more,
But I’ll emerge victorious and reach the pinnacle.

Why is the world evil to me? I wonder
Are ‘his’ deeds so profound? A hollow statement
What have I done? I fail to recognize my blunder.
The discrimination remains, there is no amendment

My beauty is compared with blooming flowers,
Then why do they pluck those blossoms heartlessly?
And render meaningless the divine merciful showers
And call the world a paradise fallaciously!

Nevertheless, hurdles await my benign presence
To be transformed into stepping stones in every respect
These silvery tears don’t convey my distress
Rather a humble message to the biased, to introspect.

Tanmaya Murthy is 19 and lives in New Delhi, India. She lives with her parents and younger brother who have always encouraged her to write. Her interests include reading thriller and mystery novels, theatre and dramatics, learning guitar, and creative writing. She has a zeal for poetry and editing. She is fond of creative collaborations and looks forward to working and interacting with budding writers and poets across the globe.