Time and Space Group Guide

Volume XIV, Number III

Artwork by Omar Twal, age 15

KidSpirit writers and artists traverse the universe in an issue that takes us to the farthest reaches of human understanding. They question: Why are we compelled to journey beyond our planet? What is the nature of time? How does history shape our future? In this guide, we invite you to broaden your knowledge of time and space through discussing the ideas KidSpirit contributors bring up in their writing.

1. Kushan Mehta, a KidSpirit editor on the India Ed Board, offers a powerful perspective on this issue’s Big Question, “Why and to What Extent Do Humans Push the Limits of Time and Space?” Kushan addresses the ways in which technology has redrawn the boundaries of space and time, and questions the value of some so-called “advancements.” How has the era of technology and the internet redefined the dimensions of our physical world? Are new advancements in our exploration of space meaningful for humanity? How so? Do you think they will exacerbate existing disparities in power and resources?

2. KidSpirit’s Australia Ed Board collaborated on the feature “Time Through The Ages: Converging Past, Present, and Future” about the connectedness of past, present, and future. They write about the “wheel of time” in ancient Indian, Hindu, and Buddhist philosophies, consisting of repeated cycles of creation, destruction, and rebirth. They consider how we can deepen our understanding of time and call attention to the difficulty of truly differentiating between past, present, and future.

  • Do you ascribe to a linear model of time? A cyclical notion of time?
  • What has shaped your understanding of time?
  • How has your community, culture, spiritual or religious tradition shaped your knowledge of past, present, and future?
  • What helps you to stay in the present moment? How do you prepare for the future?
  • Why do you think history “rhymes”, according to Mark Twain, and historical events are often reproduced in similar ways? Do we learn from our mistakes?

3. In this thought-provoking feature, “Beam Me Up, Scotty!,” Samantha Singh addresses the environmental impacts of space exploration. She dives deep into the world of private space travel, a lucrative industry headed by the world’s wealthiest. More space travel will have a major impact on carbon emissions, worsening an already dire climate crisis on Earth. How might we be able to reduce carbon emissions and prevent the world’s wealthiest from being able to cause major damage to the planet?

4. PerSpectives author and philosopher of science Craig Callendar gives us his insight into “What Are Time and Space?” Callendar delves into how his understanding of time and space has evolved over time, shaped by his education in philosophy. He discusses the ideas of philosophers and scientists such as Saint Augustine, Albert Einstein, Gottfried Leibniz, Isaac Newton, and Immanuel Kant.

  • Where have you learned about time and space? What would you like to know more about?
  • Research the notion of eternalism that Callendar talks about. What are some opposing views to this conception of time?