Faded Scars

Malaika HassanMarch 31, 2023Violence and HealingPoetry

Artwork by Karmen Shweihat, age 15

It took next to nothing for you to leave,
Yet it took everything away from me to beg you to stay.
It was always the absence of calm, the violent storm.
Expectations far from realities, even simple apologies you couldn’t form;
They remained words far from the truth because you simply didn’t care.
Escaping this madness couldn’t even be a dream, felt more like a dare.
Because although I hurt, I bore the pain,
And you always knew I would do anything to make you happy, again and again.

Then time flew by, and I got tired of your sick game,
Couldn’t believe I was still willing to take the blame.
The cuts and bruises you gave me kept burning sharp as ever,
Didn’t know this was what you meant when you said "I’ll love you forever."
I kept thinking I needed to break free of the hold you had on me,
But every time I took that step, you pulled me backward, claimed we were destiny.
And once again I listened, I gave you everything, I promised to stay.
Until my eyes were truly opened, my heart stopped beating for you, and I finally walked away.

Now that it’s been years, my scars from you have faded.
I’ll never let them disappear, a reminder of the hatred.
The hatred that you inflicted on me, disguising it as love,
Always painted me as the villain, made yourself an angel from above.
Yet I’ve come out of it stronger, only that one promise I’ve ever broken,
Unlike you, who till this day can’t promise, you just throw words out into the open.
But I thank you for the experience, now I know I deserve better.
And don’t you worry, I’ve healed and moved on, but for you, life will have it’s own vendetta.

Malaika Hassan is 16 years old and an avid fantasy reader, as well as a movie fanatic. Malaika is also an equestrian and loves working with animals.