A Normal Human Being

Aminah MiahAugust 10, 2022Who Am I?Poetry

Artwork by Karmen Shweihat, age 15

I am what I call myself, a normal human being
just like everybody else, no better than them through their looks
But possibly better through my character.
Still young, with lots to experience, but with the constant pressure from my surroundings I do
question myself,
Who am I?
Is it right for me to be experiencing all this?
Society said I should be having fun during my teenage years, was this something unveiled to me
too late?
Distressed, agitated, damaged.
How do I satisfy myself and hope for the better?
In some ethnic cultures talking about mental health and problems young children face are all a bit
taboo to the older generation,
yet vast amount of teens face the struggle of their own mental health,
each of them questioning themselves,
Who am I?
I am just like everybody else,
with lots to uncover and know
still trying to find myself within society.
Having to please many so they can display what good role models they are.
But the negativity and stress that comes with it has us all thinking, who are we?
This world is temporary, why please everyone?
Who am I? I ask. God knows and God will guide me through.

Aminah Miah is a 16-year-old living in London, UK. Aminah enjoys reading and watching documentaries and films.