I Am

Minahil LaraibJune 23, 2022Who Am I?Poetry

Artwork by Kyra Dange

Artwork by Kyra Dange

Oh! you who asks me
Who Am I?
I wish the answer was ever so simple
I wish I could just say I am a doctor, a teacher, or a girl

But NO!
The answer is far more complex than anyone can fathom!
I am a simple, yet complex person!
I am the sunlight in the morning and the moon at night
I am the moon on the first night
And I am the full moon on the last night
I am the smile on my mother
And the strength of my father
I am the guide of my siblings
And the laughter in my friends
I am the quietness at night
And the birds chirping in the morning
I am the smell in the kitchen
And the food on the table
I am the “tak tak” sound of heels
And the plain souls of my pumps
I am so many things,
Yet I am one thing!

Oh, I wish the answer was as simple as 1, 2, 3
But no!
I am much more
I am someone who cannot be contained
I am someone who cannot be fit in a mold
I am much more than a simple label
I am Minahil Laraib!
Oh, you who asks me!
I am Minahil Laraib!

Minahil Laraib is a 15-year-old from Islamabad, Pakistan. She enjoys writing, drawing, and generally being creative.