Letters Are Threads

Julia Dun RappaportAugust 24, 2022Who Am I?Poetry

Artwork by Caleb Ramirez, age 17

Letters are threads,
Woven into the vast
Quilt that is my
Telling you who
Am and belong to.
Showing where I fit in.
What patchwork of people are
Sure, it is bulky,
Rattling on the inside of your
Mouth as you
Speak it.
Twenty-six letters of banded
Letters burdened with the
Weight of each and every
Previous owner. Well,
It’s mine now.
Mine to hold and speak and
Scribble on papers and
Sang or spoken,
Written or drawn.
Unique and meaningful,
They represent

Julia Dun Rappaport is 15 years old. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts. Julia spends most of her time sketching, writing poems, and lint-rolling the fur of her two dogs off of her clothes. She has been published in multiple literary magazines and anthologies and is inspired by the work of Ada Limón and Billy Collins.