My Shadow

Abigail WebsterJuly 27, 2022Who Am I?Poetry

My shadow
likes to follow me
but not the daytime kind.
it’s the type which likes to linger,
and leave a hole behind

For my reflection isn’t me,
once the lights fade away.
It’s someone new
that much is true
it changes every day

Able to be recognised,
not able to be seen
you need to squint
to catch a glint
of that other side of me.

Abigail Webster is a 15 year old student in Melbourne, Australia. From a young age she has been a very outdoorsy person who enjoys being out in nature. In recent years, she has come to enjoy spending my time at home curled up with a good book, drawing, or watching YouTube. She likes to learn about other people and their interests, has many pets, and is interested in working with animals in the future.