The Never-Ending Dance

Jawad MaayahAugust 22, 2022Who Am I?Poetry

“Who am I,” a question asked by many,
So frustrating to answer,
So the answer usually improvised,
Everyone is a puzzle piece,
Looking for a place to fit,
But this puzzle will never be completed,
And the puzzle pieces are always changing,
Some find their place and slowly vanish,
Others vanish before they do.

But if life is this grim and meaningless cycle,
Why do we occupy ourselves with finding the one definite answer
When the answer is always changing?
We look for our titles in this never-ending dance,
So we can stop moving,
But in this dance
Inactivity does not equal stability,
Constant enthusiastic rotation.

So instead of looking for approval through this proclaimed stability
I will take this dance,
And I will dance forever.

Jawad Maayah is a 15-year-old from Madaba, Jordan. He is interested in art, painting, and writing.