
Katherine LamicaJuly 13, 2022Who Am I?Poetry

Artwork by Artur Zhuk

To those who think mental health is not a real thing

Do you know what it feels like to drown?
Every day, every second, every struggle,
all in a desperate attempt to keep my head from going under.

The sorrow plows through my soul,
The fierce fear follows me around like a shadow,
Encapsulating my heart and keeping it from the rest of the world.

How tired I am of trying,
Tired of having to fight,
I'm so tired of hating myself.
How did I become someone I don't recognize?

When my body can't cease shaking,
And the tears never stop pouring,
And the clouds never seem to leave my eyes,
Ask yourself, am I making it up?

This toxic poison flows through my every cell,
Breaking through my defenses
Taking down my spirits with a single blow.

When my reflection shows a broken soul
I want to give up
I don't wanna have to fight to do every little thing.

I don't want to fight to eat,
Fight to drink
I would collapse in fits on the floor
Hoping with everything in me for this nightmare to end.

Sometimes I ask, why me?
Why do I need to suffer?
What did I do to deserve this pain?

But guess what?
It made me stronger.

It made me more resilient than the tallest of mountains
More compassionate than a mother of four
More brave than a pack of lions.

If a broken girl with no place in this world can
Pick herself up from the lowest of lows
If she can continue eating every day
And if she can make her dreams come true,
Then you surely can, too.

Because you are stronger than you know,
You are more talented than you choose to acknowledge
You are more beautiful inside and out.

Even when you feel like giving up
Know that things do get better.

I was once drowning
But now I have tamed the waves
And you will too.

Katherine Lamica is a 12-year-old seventh grader who lives near Albany, New York, with her parents and her dog Cooper. She loves to play piano, violin, and tennis, as well as create all types of art, including sculpting, sketching, watercolor, acrylics, pastel, and oils. In her free time, she is an avid reader and enjoys writing original stories.