Who Are We?

Miseng KimJune 15, 2022Who Am I?Poetry

Artwork by Andrea Huang, age 17

Who am I?
Biology states that I come from a cell,
So unique that the genes create a unique me;
So normal that 99.9% of the genes are the same for all humans.

Who am I?
Sociology states that I am the result of social influence,
So unique that it shapes my identity;
So normal that we live in the same global society.

But perspective also shapes identity.

Who am I?
I am a human,
Just like you;
I am unique,
Just like you;
I am different, but beautiful,
Just like you.

Who am I?
Who are we?
We are all uniquely different,
But we can all find common ground.
We want peace,
We want dignity,
We want equality,
We want a healthy planet.

Who am I?
Who are we?
The precise answer might not exist,
But I know I am part of “we,”
And we all have the responsibility
To make the world a better place.

Miseng Kim is an 11th grader from Beijing, China who enjoys fencing and has practiced it for 12 years. During her free time, she likes to write poetry and skateboard. She also likes indoor sports, such as rock climbing and swimming. She is also passionate about abstract art and ceramics. Art and fencing are the loves of her life.