fall 2024
The School Experience
Volume XVII, Number I
The word “school” conjures different meanings for all of us: learning, opportunity, boredom, anxiety, privilege. How does the school experience shape our growth? How does it differ from place to place? How does it prepare us for “the real world”? Join teen contributors across the globe to explore education from every angle.
Cover artwork by Anna Chasnyk, age 15, Ukraine
The Classroom Effect
by Adya Sarin
How does the school experience shape individuals' identities across different cultures and societies?
The First 15 Years
by Nandana Thakershy
We cannot limit the benefits of an education to academic wellbeing.
Adolescence in The Perks of Being a Wallflower
by Amy de Bruyn
It felt as if I were watching someone’s life in front of me instead of reading text on paper.
Awesome Moments
The Jump
by Orin Sim
Why Do I Even Learn This? (And Other Thoughts During the Latin Exam)
by Vincent Chang
The False Start
by Abhinayya Saravanan
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Learning
by Judy Liu
A Day at School
by Global Youth Voices
Haunted School Horrors
by Richard Siyi HE
Memories in My Pocket
by Ananya Verma
Helping Hands
The Smile of a Student
by Liz Fabiola
Driving Lessons
by Dylan Zhang
Interfaith Connections
Keystones of Education
by Siddhant Raj
The Essence of Learning
by Konrad Tittel
High School Musical: Here to Stay
by Jenny Xu
In the classroom, young minds awake To knowledge’s callSo many ideas to make.With each lesson, a new world uncurlsA sacred space for boys and girls.
Come On, Teacher, Light My Fire: Reflections on the School Experience
by Jane Quinn, PhD
Let’s start treating student engagement in school as a necessary ingredient in our nation’s well-being.
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Art by Jaden Flach, Brooklyn